Ask a Cat: An Advice Column from Your Cat

advice, cats, humor, pets

cat advice

Everyday, thousands upon thousands of humans flock to advice columns. Be it for entertainment, insight or pure curiosity, these people value the opinions of strangers enough to evaluate their opinions on life choices. Why trust these inconspicuous strangers when you could do better? 

You could ask a cat.

Here is Knowledge Cat giving some advice. Enjoy

adviceDear Knowledge Cat,
My husband and I are having problems. Lately he has become so distant. He is working late and when he comes home, he is much too tired to show me affection or even talk to me. I also work long hours and am tired. We rarely have fun anymore. Any suggestions for us to achieve our happy marriage once again?

-Lucy’s Mad at Ricky

Dear Angry Lucy,

You must make an effort to keep the spark alive. You must not allow him to ignore you! If you want affection, try sitting on his lap and staring at him. Don’t speak, just stare. If he is bold enough to push you off his lap, immediately return and sit beside him, still staring at him. Eventually he will give in and pat your head.

Sometimes, the man creature requires extra rest. When he is resting, try sleeping on his legs. Position yourself in an area that will gradually become unbearable. Trust me, he will notice you, and his sleepiness will disappear when he wakes to your warm sleeping body on his calves.

If you want to have more fun, try bringing in some toys to spice things up! Try a feather on a stick or a little ball with a bell in it. Just pass it back and forth until one of you gets bored or mad or bops the other one on the head. Fun toys are always therapeutic.


Dear Knowledge Cat,
I am a 14 year-old girl and no boys like me. I’m not ugly or weird or dumb, but I can’t get a boyfriend. All of my friends are dating and I am still awkward and alone. What can I do to get a boyfriend?

– Lonely Teen

Dear Silly Baby Human,
If it makes you feel any better, in cat years you are but a kitten. Do not worry about such things. Your friends are practicing their mating rituals young because they care not for quality but for quantity. Do not use them as an example.

If you must have a “boyfriend”… I suggest walking around outside the windows of boys you like. Just casually pace back and forth, and make noise. Continue to make louder noises until someone chases you off. Then, come back and continue to make noise. Also, lick yourself constantly. This will keep you looking clean, and attractive to your suitors.


Please feel free to leave a question for Knowledge Cat in the comments! Ta-ta!




Cats Driving Cars

cats, humor, life, pets



Cats do what they want. Who’s to say they never leave the house? These brave kitty road warriors head out on the open road. How they reach the pedals…a mystery. Probably still better drivers than 80% of people you encounter on the roadways, and 100% cuter. 

Enjoy. Happy cats. Happy Friday. Happy weekend!







The cat pictured below is Toonces: The Cat Who Could Drive a car, from the SNL sketch with Steve Martin. Video posted below courtesy of Yahoo Videos




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Kitty Hall of Shame

cats, humor, life, pets


Cat Shaming is a thing. A real thing, because our favorite lovable, cuddly furballs are also jerks. They are jerks with weird habits and passive aggressive tendencies that can be gross and frustrating. But they are also fuzzy. And forgiveable.

Happy Monday, folks!



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For more Shameful Cats: Cat Shaming TumblrCat Shaming BuzzFeedShame Your Pet

Skeptical Bread Cats

bread, cats, humor, life, skepticism

toast111Years ago, posted on a billboard advertisement for the Indianapolis Star Classifieds, was a large photo of a dissatisfied cat with the caption, “Sell your cat, hey, he’d sell you!”

I always found this funny. Despite the immense love I’ve had for every cat I’ve ever owned, I’ve never been certain that they loved me back. I now realize the answer. Cats are naturally skeptical, and may not “love” me, but tolerate my affections. 

It is with this theory in mind that I present…Skeptical Bread Cats: A Compilation of Skeptic Cats, and Cats with Their Heads Stuck in Bread





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Sushi Cats. Because Japan.

cats, fiction, humor, japan, life, pets, sushi



Magical totems of Japanese good luck. These creatures have been around for centuries and are said to offer good fortune.

Neko-Sushi is an extremely unusual life-form consisting of a cat on top of a portion of sushi rice.
Although several references have come down to us through history from various researchers and witnesses, their existence is still shrouded in mystery and actual sightings remain rare.

There are several academics who have devoted their lives to the study of these creatures. According to a number of these, Neko-Sushi make use of gaps in space to come to us from an alternate dimension. Beyond these “gaps” lies the world of the Neko-Sushi in which, it is recently understood, lies the true identity of the cats that dwell with us here in the human dimension.









Courtesy of WTF Japan


Creative genius of

Rocket Farts

cats, farts, fiction, humor, pets


Cat farts are a rare and far-between occurrence. Often times cats will let a tiny one slip during the pleasure of a gentle touch, or after a hearty serving of milk.

This is not about cuddle farts or milk toots.

My name is Maurice and I have Rocket Farts. Let me explain:

About 2 years ago, I finished a delicious supper of kitty kibble and shredded cheese. It was after this glorious meal that I felt the dreaded bubble guts. Like lightening, I ran to my litter box, but before I could make it, the dreaded booty poot broke loose.

This was no ordinary poot. Suddenly I was launched 4 feet into the air. Horrified, I looked behind me to find fumes and foul smoke emitting from my behind. The fur on my tail was singed. The room smelled of diesel fuel and Friskee’s catfood.

Astonished, my human stood up from the couch and began to clap. A slow, purposeful clap of pride and admiration. A lone tear streamed from my human’s left eye.

As I landed back to solid ground, I felt triumphant. How powerful a cat am I! With my Rocket Farts I could be anything, do anything…

But first, I must nap.